Charter: Urkunden (900-1797) 1465 XII 06
Signature: 1465 XII 06
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6. Dezember 1465
Papst Paul II. abbati Cremifanensi (Kremsmünster) committit, ut convocatis quibus interest omnibus inquirat, num de ecclesia in Niederwaldkirchen res ita se habeant, ut Florianenses dicunt. Re ita inventa auctoritate apostolica incorporationem perficiat (Inkorporation).
Source Regest: STÜLZ, Chronologisches Register Bulle
Current repository
Stiftsarchiv St. Florian (

Material: Pergament



      Original dating clauseDatum Romae anno incarnationis 1465. 8 Id. Decemb. Pontificatus anno secundo.

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